Our Commitments

Health and Safety

The safety and well being of everyone we interact with is of paramount importance to Century Retrofit.

The Company Safety Statement/Policy is regularly reviewed and upgraded as required and we ensure continuous relevant training of our management and staff.

We prepare site specific RAMS (Risk Assessment Method Statements) for each project and regularly check that all operatives training and certification is in date whilst also ensuring all plant and equipment is maintained in good working order.

We keep our sites clean and secure to ensure a safe working environment.

Century retrofit can act as Project Supervisor Construction Stage should the project require it.

We comply with the most current requirements in respect of COVID 19 restrictions and prepare updated COVID plans in respect of each specific project. We note that restrictions / recommendations in respect of COVID 19 are subject to change from time to time as conditions change.

Century Retrofit provide customers with a quality professional service using internationally recognised products and services, carried out by trained qualified leading professionals.

We deliver our projects within the principles of our Quality Management System, performing retrofits with efficient processes and constantly seeking improvements where they can be achieved.

Our professional teams are committed to delivery only the highest quality output within the scope of the project requirements.

Sustainability and Environment
Our core business is all about ensuring yesterday’s buildings provide sustainable and environmentally friendly homes into the future.

We are committed to social and environmental responsibility and to adopting new technologies that contribute to this ethos.

Our Environmental Policy is shared with the entire team so that best practices are applied in all areas of our enterprises.

Century Retrofit believe that with responsible projects we can help build a sustainable future and protect the fragile environment.

At Century Retrofit, innovation is one of our core values.

Our professionals work collaboratively with new build technologies and concepts, to find improved construction solutions and smarter more effective solutions utilising the latest technological advances and product innovations whilst also ensuring they are environmentally responsible and sustainable.

We are constantly striving and challenging to be able to retrofit smarter faster and more economically advantageously.

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